About Us

Growing up in Boulder, Colorado, my brother Jake and I developed a great love and respect for nature. Throughout our childhood, our parents encouraged us to take advantage of the opportunities that mountain life provides. We were fortunate to spend our formative years outdoors, and these early experiences led us to truly appreciate nature. The feeling we get from being in a forest rich with lush undergrowth is indescribable, and it gives us a heightened awareness of the life that surrounds us and the connections between all living things. We had always wished for a great investment opportunity that would work with our lifelong love and respect for nature. This opportunity has finally manifested itself in the form of a renewable tropical hardwood farm in Costa Rica.


Why Costa Rica? In 1999 Jake met his wife, Ericka Pardo, a native Costa Rican. Her father, Jaime Pardo is a successful Costa Rican businessman who has spent over 30 years in real estate and became involved in tropical hardwood plantation projects. It was in 2000 that Jaime first introduced us to this concept of reforestation through building tree plantations. We were intrigued by the idea of merging an ecological project with sound economics and soon thereafter became investors in a teak project very similar to The Bauers Family Tree Farm. After our initial experience with teak trees, we dreamed of building our own farm. Following many years of investigation and research, we moved forward with our dream in the fall of 2006.  


Preparation and field work began in February of 2007 while Teak seeds were planted at a nursery on our property in April of that year. At the start of the monsoon season in June, the seedlings were planted and the dream of The Bauers Family Tree Farm began its journey.


With our help, land that was once a lush tropical rain forest will be returned to its original splendor and seeds the size of marbles will transform into giants. We hope that our forests will not only provide tranquility and connection to all who visit the farm, but will also provide habitat and protection for countless tropical species. The trees on the farm consume large amounts of greenhouse gases, provide a sustainable source of lumber, slow global warming and reduce pressure on the rainforest.


We are also extremely excited about being able to permanently set aside and protect 120 acres of our land that is existing natural forest. This land consists of beautiful native trees that will never be cut as well as two rivers that run through the property. In addition to the flora, we will be protecting the habitat of numerous animals that reside in the area.


In these times it is clear that our actions have widespread effects. An investment in our environmentally sound tree farm will have a positive impact on the planet and we hope your bottom line. Jake, Jaime and I believe that we can achieve a win-win situation where we can protect the environment and create jobs while simultaneously making a return for investors. While we are very confident in this investment opportunity, it is in no way a get rich quick proposition. It will take many years, patience, and commitment to see it through. Unlike other projects or investments where it is impossible to be in direct contact with the people who run the project, we encourage you to speak with us often and visit the tree farm.


We hope you will join us in this investment that will benefit not just our bottom line, but also the environment, the economy and the world.


Thank you, 

Joe Bauers 

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